
join us in empowering older adults

Each day, the Durham Center for Senior Life serves over 250 older adults at no cost to them.

DCSL is a lifeline to the communities we serve, providing vital support for older adults through our programs and services.

Your donation fuels the impact we have the Durham Center for Senior Life. Thank you for supporting our mission to enrich the lives of older adults!


Dedicate your donation

Make your donation in honor or memoriam of someone.
The Durham Center for Senior Life will send a card acknowledging your gift.

Employer match program

Employee donation matching programs offer an opportunity to maximize the impact of your donation. Many companies match their employees’ donations, effectively doubling the value of your gift. By participating in an employer match program, you magnify the positive impact of your donation.
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Planned giving

For information on giving through a donor advised fund (DAF), to give the gift of real estate or vehicles, or to give via stock or bond, please contact us at or (919) 688-8247 ext 131
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City of Durham or NC State Employee
We are beneficiaries in both the SECC giving campaign and the 7 stars City of Durham Giving Campaign. If you believe you qualify, please reach out to your employer or our development team at

In-kind donations

We greatly appreciate the generosity of our community members who wish to donate items to support our programs and services. We accept a variety of in-kind donations that enhance the lives of older adults, including but not limited to: 
-Non-perishable food items for our food pantry 
-Personal care items such as toiletries, hygiene products, and adult diapers 
-Books, puzzles, games, and other recreational materials 
-New Adult sized underwear of all sizes 
-Art and Craft supplies
Please reach out to your employer or our development team at


We take our commitment to transparency and accountability seriously. Every donation we receive is a testament to the trust you place in us, and we are dedicated to ensuring that your generosity has a meaningful impact on Durham’s older adults. Our program efficiency meets standards set by both Charity Navigator and GuideStar so you can give with confidence. Your donation will be used where it is needed most to support our mission most effectively.  
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